Blood Tests

About the Blood Test

Blood Tests
Blood samples

Venous blood samples should be taken from the side that is not being infused. If difficult to do, should be taken from the infusion line 5 cc origin who smoked should be removed first. Because the liquid mixture will interfere with serologic reactions. Only later taken without being given 5 cc subsequent anti coagulants sent a blood sample. To reduce hemolysis, blood samples should be taken from a vein easily dipunksi, using needle #22 or #21, and had to suck slowly. (12)

Performed tests ABO blood group system by erythrocytes in tests with antisera against antigenic Anti-A and Anti-B (slide test). In Rh (+) is almost 100%. The above tests should be done at room temperature or cooler (20-22°C). Because at 37°C the reaction becomes weak also be tested against infectious disease agents such as syphilis, HBsAg, anti-HCV. And anti-HIV 1 and 2. (8, 9, 12)

Because almost all of the population has Rh (+). At the very urgent circumstances transfusion if there is not the same blood type, can be used PRC type blood group O. (12)

Major cross-examination, performed by checking serum recipients with donor erythrocytes to detect recipient antibodies that can cause lysis of erythrocytes donor and cause hemolytic transfusion reactions. Minor cross-examination, checking serum donors with recipient’s erythrocytes. Both cross-linking reaction, was done in three phases: 0.9% NaCl medium, albumin, and Coombs, entirely takes 2 hours. (12)