What is Liposuction
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Eliminating excessive fat in the body, natural is only done through diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. However, as the development of technology, people find other ways to overcome these problems. This technique is commonly known as liposuction.
Liposuction is a surgery that is done by sucking fat on certain body parts, to get a desirable body shape. The goal of liposuction is not to lose weight, but only used to get beautiful curves.
Liposuction Procedure
Patients who will undergo a liposuction procedure should have optimal health before surgery. Before performing liposuction patients are required to avoid cigarettes and alcohol and not using blood thinning medication. Patients with co morbidities such as diabetes, heart or kidney could basically perform this operation, during the medical examination the patient is in a controlled state.
Liposuction begins by marking certain areas on the body. Parts of the body such as the neck, arms, abdomen, chest, back, hips or thighs are the body area that is often experienced liposuction. The marking process followed by making a small incision in the marking and enter tumescent fluid (a mixture solution of lidocaine, adrenaline, bicnat and NaCl) to facilitate the extraction process and reduce bleeding in patients.
Fat breakdown process can be done by using laser equipment (Vaser), mechanical (Microaire) even manually. After going through the process of extraction, the body will be wrapped by using a special girdle (compress garment) and should continue to be used by patients for 3-6 months. There are also therapeutic uses of Radio Frequency (RF), which can help the healing process of the patient. Compress garment is important to reduce swelling and pain when moving patients.
Fat is removed during the process of liposuction, depends on the amount tumescent fluid given on the patient's body. Patient’s liposuction with local anesthesia process more secure when you get less than 5000 cc of fluid. In this case the patient was discharged without having to go through hospitalization. While if needed more tumescent fluid (more than 5 liters), patients are advised to conduct hospitalization for 1-2 days for observation of postoperative patient's general condition. This procedure can be done if using local or general anesthesia.
Liposuction Side Effects
Liposuction patients typically will not directly change the shape of her body. Precisely swelling and bruising in the area of extraction will occur at 2-3 weeks post-surgery, so as to make the body look bigger. But it will not last long. Usually, the patient will feel the results at one month post-surgery and the best results at 3-6 months post liposuction.
Although the results will be satisfactory, not a liposuction technique also causes complications in the patient's body, such as infection, bleeding, asymmetry, seroma, skin necrosis and death. But the meticulous craftsmanship by experts in the field will keep patients out of it.
Results of liposuction will look best if the patient on a diet and exercise regularly. Diet and a healthy lifestyle should be performed by the patient to prevent the re-occurrence of the accumulation of fat in the body.
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